A Portfolio is a collection of photos that showcase your skills and creativity as a Makeup Artist, Hairstylist or Colourist, or Fashion Stylist. You’ll need it to show prospective clients and employers what you can do for them. You can start with as few as 7-10 looks in your portfolio and build it up as you continue using your skills.
There are different types of portfolio ranging from a traditional display binder in a leather folder to an online graphical display. It is also possible these days to show your skills to the world by burning your before and after photographs to a CD, creating a downloadable MP4 of your work or building a slideshow of photos you can show on your website. You can even show the photos to prospective clients and employers with a mobile device such as an ipad or Kindle.
Creating your beauty portfolio
1. Take Lots of Photos
It is never too late to start taking pictures for your portfolio. As soon as you start practicing your skills you can take before and after photos of your work. Even at beauty school. This way you will also have a good record of how your skills progress over time.
2. Take Before and After Photos
Take both before and after photos so you can showcase the transformation that your skills provide. As a makeup artist take a quick snapshot of your model with their hair up and no make up and foundation and then take a photo afterwards with their hair down and looking fabulous to showcase the effects of a great make up job. Similarly to showcase your talents as a hairstylist or colorist you want the before photo to show a more disheveled model and the transformation that your work provides.
3. Find Models for Your Portfolio

One place you can find makeup models is by volunteering at local fashion shows and photo shoots. Fashion shows employ many models so you can create a large collection of looks to add to your portfolio within a few hours.
Try calling local modelling agencies and ask if they need photos of new talent.
You can also use your friends and family members to make a start on your portfolio too. The more people you can work with and practice your skills with the better.
4. Feature Only your Best Work
Your portfolio should only contain your best work so make sure you make up a lot of models so you have more to choose from. In addition choose a selection of different models with different skin tones, hair color eye shape, face shape, age etc. You want to show that you can work with a variety of people to showcase your versatility. If you only show one type of model it will be assumed that that is all you can do! Make sure just to clear clear, quality photos. A bad photo also looks poorly on your skills.
5. Include the Type of Work You’re Interested in Doing

In summary one of the most important items to have as a Makeup Artist, Hairstylist or Colourist, or Fashion Stylist is a quality portfolio. Make sure you get into the habit of taking before and after photos and updating your portfolio with the photos that show your talent at its best.
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