- A goal without a plan is just a wish. Make sure you know what kind of person you want to be and what kind of career/life you would like to lead. Then, re-focus your short term goals so that your life takes you towards that direction. To help me I use mood boards and vision boards to help me keep my eyes on the prize.
- Be kind to yourself, because even the best of us mess up sometimes. When it finally happens, and you finally catch on, drop the ego, admit your mistake fully and make amends. Learn from it so you don't have to go through the lesson again later on. Then forgive yourself and move on. Life is hard and we are not made to be perfect.
Also, listen to your body. If you are exhausted ....sleep! If you are hungry .... EAT! - Life is better when you're laughing, because laughing can get you through ANYTHING! I was never a fan a comedies until I went through some heartbreaking, rough times, and they were life savers. Plus laughter is so healthy for your body.
- Cherish good friends. I have had, lost, and still have, a few friends who know me and love me
Good friends are invaluable - Your mistakes do not define you. It is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all. Think and analyze your decisions in carefully, and once you feel reasonably sure you have a good choice, just trust yourself. Be bold and go forth into the wilderness. Whatever happens you will have gained and experience that only the courageous can boast of.
Mistakes allow us to grow so much in our lives and careers because it's the best way to learn. - Be devoted to the moment. This present moment of your life is alive and full of potential. Learning to be mindful has helped me tremendously by keeping me in life, as it happens.
Whether you are playing, sleeping, working, lounging, exercising, learning or around the people you love devote 100% of that moment of your life to it.
Putting yourself whole-hearted into each moment you have can change the way you relate to life. - Before go to bed every night forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart. Hatred is poison
Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong." - Gandhi - Know your own strength. You are unique, there is now, ever has been and ever will be only one of you in the whole universe. No one else has your strange and magical mix of genes and experience. Learn what make you tick and keep building on that.
Be true to yourself and you will make wonderful thing happen. - Take charge of your own life, this is the beginning of self-esteem. Although sh*t happens, ultimately you are solely responsible for your own actions. When we deeply understand this to be true, life takes on a whole new meaning. Whatever has happened until the past moment is gone forever, this present moment is again yours and you have the power to do whatever you want with it.
- Death is what makes life real. In the words of Steve Jobs; " Remembering that you are going to
die is the best way I know of avoiding the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."

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